Articles for October 2017

Today, as a Christian, God has an assignment for you.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Today, as a Christian, God has an assignment for you.

He wants you to act as His Ambassador in all you say and do.

In this world today there is so much confusion, hatred and strife.

So many are disillusioned and are seeking the wrong kind of life.

I had the privilege of going to church again today.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

I had the privilege of going to church again today.

I really wanted to listen to what the teacher and preacher had to say.

Oh sure, I been to church many times before, it's true.

But this was a very special Sunday it's something I want to tell you.

With all the flooding and devastation that's going on today.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

With all the flooding and devastation that's going on today.

This is a call to prayer for all Christians every where.

Looking at the map we see several area's needing prayer now.

Houston and Louisiana are among those in our prayers, this is how.

Let's be thankful for the little in-completions in our life.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Let's be thankful for the little in-completions in our life.

There are things we are working on that could create strife.

But I choose to celebrate the little accomplishments today.

No, they are not complete yet, but they are on their way.