Articles for February 2019

In this life you can expect there will be temptations, trials and trouble.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

In this life you can expect there will be temptations, trials and trouble.

Some are so arrogant and deny this, but I’m here to burst your bubble.

The Bible tells us that we will all suffer persecution sometimes in our life.

The enemy, the accuser of our faith, always wants to create strife.

Today is a brand new and exciting day for me and you.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Today is a brand new and exciting day for me and you.

God wants you to know He is Jehovah Yirei, my provider, this is true

That He has amazing things in store for those that truly believe..

He wants you and I to succeed in life and to abundantly receive.

R we 2 busy for the Lord?

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

R we 2 busy for the Lord?

Seems like our day is over before it's begun

We really need to seek daily instruction from Jesus, God's son

To be truly happy and blessed we know that today and everyday

We should take time to praise God, to thank Him and to pray.

Protecting your imagination everyday, this is so very important to do.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Protecting your imagination everyday, this is so very important to do.

Our mind seems always wants to dwell on the negatives, it’e true.

Your mind can be used for incredible blessings coming your way.

But the enemy only wants you to dwell on negatives and what he wants to say.

So many people are suffering from anxiety and stress today.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

So many people are suffering from anxiety and stress today.

There are many counseling businesses for which people dearly pay,

To get the correct and best answer that is available for free from God.

However, when you try to tell people about this pratical, and best

solution you’ll be considered odd.