God's Dream for Your Life Is so Very Big and It's Just for You

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

God's dream for your life is so very big and it's just for you.
Much bigger than you can imagine, mind boggling — it's true.
What He has in store for your life is beyond comprehension.
Beyond anything you could conceive of, is His intention.

Pray bold prayers, dream big dreams and believe the best.
Then in faith know that God will and can, work out the rest.
We serve an awesome God that wants us to succeed.
When you realize this, faith and trust is all you need.

He will help you each step of the way, each and every day.
Don't let those negative voices lead you astray.
God needs you to complete the plan He has for you.
To be a success in life, this is what you need to do…

Stay around positive people that will encourage you.
This is the way to speed up your success — it's true.
God has a purpose and incredible plan for your life.
So, just ignore the nay sayers and their impromptu strife.