NEVERTHELESS is our word of the day.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer
NEVERTHELESS is our word of the day.
This is the word to utter when there seems no way.
When things look impossible, what do I do?
If things look overwhelming right now, this is for you.
Always add the word when you need a favor, nevertheless, I confess.
When your finances look like there's not enough, nevertheless
Say and believe that nevertheless I will lend and not borrow.
It may now be right now nevertheless is will happen tomorrow.
Nevertheless is a very powerful word, it's also a statement.
This was spoken by David in the Bible this is what he meant.
He spoke to Goliath and told him you are huge, nevertheless
I come to you with the blessings of God, I'll defeat you, I confess.
That same power is within you and me that we can use today.
When things look impossible, you now know the word to say.
NEVERTHELESS, when the situation may look like there's no way.
However I have the God that created the universe to help me when I say ???