So often many people limit their thinking today. it's true

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

So often many people limit their thinking today. it's true

They think they'll never accomplish their goals and dreams, is this you?

Also they start thinking maybe they don't have the right talent too

Or the connections and funds to do what they want and need to do.

They think their marriage could never be restored, it's too late.

Or being so far in debt now that this is their fate.

That kind of thinking comes from the natural point of view.

We have to realize our God is a supernatural God this is also true.

Just because we don't see a way doesn't mean God doesn't have a way.

God can do what seems to be impossible for you, maybe even today.

He has explosive blessings that can blast you out of sickness and debt.

Is what He has in mind for you is incredible and wonderful, YES! you bet.

Today, I encourage you to take your limits of your thinking and what God can do

He parted the sea for Moses, made a donkey speak, and many other miracles too.

Remember what you are facing may seem impossible to you right now.

But when God puts His "Super" in your "natural" anything is possible now.