Are you spending your life helping others maybe with just a smile?

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Are you spending your life helping others maybe with just a smile?

“Are you kidding, I’m too busy this is nothing to me worth while”.

That is the attitude of many in this world today, but not yours or mine.

Serving others pleases God, it’s a privilege, so please don’t wine.


I know, sometimes it’s very inconvenient to take that person to the store.

You may not get any thank you or recognition, but Almighty God knows the score.

He sees all these acts of kindness that you do for others day by day.

You’re not looking for applause from men, or for what others may say.


No, sometimes you do things in secret, but your heavenly father knows.

He’s keeping score and someday and you’ll be amazed as blessings flows.

You can’t outgive God we’ve all heard that many times, it’s true.

But it’s not just talking about money, it’s when you serve others too.


When Jesus was here on earth He served others in many, many ways.

Duplicate that serving attitude daily, you’ll find out that it really pays.

We don’t do it for payment, we do it because we a child of Almighty God.

Being kind and generous to those in need and serving. To the world we are odd