It’s already yours, is the message of the day.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

It’s already yours, is the message of the day.

Yes, I’m referring to all the blessings possibly coming your way.

How to get all these many wanted blessing you have in store.

Let’s talk about the ones you’ve prayed for and even more.

For some of you it’s the baby you’ve been praying for, for years.

God saw all those grievous moments and counted the tears.

Or how about that mate you’ve been searching for a long time.

Each of us have a dream or desire I know I have mine.

How do we get these already stored up blessings--, here’s how?

You need to have the God faith to believe for them here and now.

In God’s kingdom, faith is like our currency here on earth.

Looking at your faith bank account, how much are you worth?

Some have so little faith that they don’t think it can come to pass.

God tells us all. that this is the way to flunk God’s faith class.

You have to know that unwavering faith is what it takes to succeed.