All of us have special talents awarded to us by God.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

All of us have special talents awarded to us by God. .

They are something unique and sometimes even odd.

In my case my talents are very different from yours.

Some use there talents locally others even go on tours.

What are your talents and skill, do you even know?

So many don't take advantage of them, or some put on quite a show.

There are so many talents and skills like the stars in the sky

When you think about your God given talent, you should always try.

Try to take advantage of your special God given talent in you.

Just know you can do something better than anyone else can do.

Yes! God gave you and me our unique special talents and skill

If we use them for God's glory, it will give Him quite a thrill.

My talents are writing poetry and playing the musical saw.

Some of you know me and have read my poems before.

I get a great sense of happiness playing the musical saw, it's true.

When you implement your God given talents and skill, you will too
