We are in a snow storm here in Idaho Falls today.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

We are in a snow storm here in Idaho Falls today.

As I watch the snowflakes each falling in their own way.

Some seem to float down, others appear to drop with force.

I'm viewing these from my nice warm apartment of course.

I wouldn't want to venture out in this storm it looks nasty and cold.

Some I'm sure would find a reason to leave home, I'm not that bold.

When you consider the job each snowflake is assigned to do.

You can almost appreciate them just like God has assigned a job for you.

We were not created for this period of time just to take up time and space.

As we all know there are many situations we all must daily must face.

Life is a challenge and we must learn to rely on God, in all you do.

There will always be opposition and temptations for me and you, it's true.

But just like a snowflake, we know our time on earth will come to an end someday

A snowflake will do the job it was assigned to do then very soon I pray, melt away

Yes we are all like a delicate snowflake, each different from the rest.

So while we are here on earth, serve God and others and always do your best.