What are your dreams and goals today?

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

What are your dreams and goals today?

So many have lost them, they just went away.

They actually gave up on them and now just get by.

Their goals and dreams died, now they don’t even try.


Well I declare this is “National Dream Day”.

It may not be official yet, but I pray, it will someday.

All those goals and dreams that you gave up on in the past,

Well  here’s a way those dreams and goals can develop fast.


First you have to see them developing in front of you internal eyes.

With  this secret successful vision you can start start to visualize.

See that long awaited dream and goal coming to pass right now.

But first you have to see it in your mind and speak victory, that’s how.


Yes, God wants us to be victors in this life not victims like so many are.

When you put your faith in God to help you, success is now, not that far.

Imagine those dreams and goals coming to pass throughout the day.

Speak words of victory convidentaly, words put faith into action in a great way.