When you lose a loved one through sickness one day.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

When you lose a loved one through sickness one day.

You’ll wonder how you can carry on and in what way?.

My friend was just committed to a special hospital a few days ago.

Now I wonder just how long she’ll be there? I wish I could go.


This is a special clinic that will keep her under observation for weeks  now.

The specialized medical staff will try to figure out what to do and how.

Meanwhile, all I can do is pray for her to return, healthy and whole again.

I know I’m really feeling lonely and depressed, and wondering why and when.


I know that God is in control of this situation and it will turn out for our good.

I realize that somethings in life are upsetting and not easily understood.

It makes you realize that we can have a love that makes us sometimes grieve.

So today I will pray to the Lord for help and for His agape love, to receive.


Thank God in heaven there won’t be any sickness, pain or suffering there.

There we ‘born again believers’ can live forever without a worry or a care.

Everything here on earth is temporary and will someday perish, it’s true.

Situations like this make us realize our life here is temporary for me and you.