Today, I Want to Make God Smile

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Today, I want to make God smile.
I really want to do this daily, not just once in a while.
I know He wants me to be loving, generous and kind
and do good things for others, and leave self behind.
I don't want to make God frown or shake His head.
My desire is, I want to see Him smile at me instead.
I know Lord, what you want me to do and say.
It's written in your Word to seek your will and pray.
Lord, If I concentrate on doing your will
and spend time listening to your voice while being still,
I know that you will speak to me in your loving way.
And, when I meet someone wanting help you'll tell me what to say.
Living this way everyday, makes God happy is all I can say.
He loves us all and wants others to know that He is the only way
for true happiness and contentment in this life on earth.
I've given you the answer from what I know, whatever that's worth.