Articles for May 2016

What Are You Believing In Today?

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

What are you believing in today?

That if you told your family would they say no way.

If you truly believe it can happen to you and for you.

Then it will, if you stay focused and true.

Sometimes in This Life I Feel Obsolete

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Sometimes in this life I feel obsolete

This new technology is hard to beat

As a senior things seem to go too fast.

I'm sometimes wondering what I did last.

Are You Still Letting Things Upset You Today?

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Are you still letting things upset you today?

Many react in a negative and unhealthy way.

Here's another question for you. Please let God know.

Are you still reacting the same as you did 5 years ago?

Many are Fighting a Giant in Their Life Today

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Many are fighting a giant in their life today.

They are fighting on there own and not the bible way.

When things look so big that you think you can't win.

God will help you fight and with God you'll always win.

No Christian is Ever Unemployed in This Life Today

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

No Christian is ever unemployed in this life today.

We are ambassadors for Christ come what may.

We may not have a traditional job working 8-5

But we work for Jesus as long as we are alive.

When Situations and Problems Look Impossible and Bleak

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

When situations and problems look impossible and bleak

This is when we need to careful with the words we speak.

When that situation looks impossible to resolve to you.

That's when God tells us, now watch what I can do

Indifference is Another Demonic Tool

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Indifference is another demonic tool.

Many suffer from this condition and become a worldly fool.

As a Christian we must keep Jesus as a priority in our life.

Otherwise without his continual guidance we'll experience strife.

I Know That I Am Anointed and Appointed

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

I know that I am anointed and appointed

to write these God inspired poems each day

Many times I pray to hear what God wants to say.

Then write the inspiration quickly without delay.

Who or What Has Control of Your Life?

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Who, or what has control of your life?

No, I'm not talking about your husband or wife.

Who or what tries to controls your thoughts each day?

Do you do things you know are wrong and also wrong to say.

I Was Asked, “Do You Remember Your History Class?”

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

I was asked. “do you remember your history class”?

All I remember is that this is the class I barely passed

I do like reading about the history in the Bible though

It is very exciting, interesting and something I want to know.'

Today's Poem is Taken From Acts Chapter 5

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Today's poem is taken from Acts chapter 5.

This is a story about church folks and how they lied

It's a story about Ananias and Sapphira, a husband and wife.

Church members that were not living the true life.

Let's Celebrate the Little Things in Life

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Let's celebrate the little things in life.

Don't always look for the faults in your husband or wife.

Many times we see all the little things that really aggravate

Some see those problems and to voice them, they can't wait

Many Are Frustrated With the Way Things Are Today

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Many are frustrated with the way things are today.

Seems every thing takes time and there is always a delay

It happens to all of us somethings we just don't understand

We pray for a healing revival to happen now in this land.

Do You Ever Feel Overwhelmed by the Pressures of Everyday Life?

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the pressures of everyday life?

Does your busy schedule at times create incredible strife?

The enemy loves to keep people so very busy in any way

So they can't spend time with Jesus or study the word and pray.

As I Worked on My Computer Today

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

As I worked on my computer today.

The poem for today was going my way.

But then a virus interrupted my work

Making me realize this virus was to delay

God Has Always Been There For You

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

God has always been there for you.

If you can remember that special time you know it's true.

We don't know how many times God has spared our life

How he was able to intercede, help and stop the strife.

Are You Struggling in Some Way Today?

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Are you struggling in some way today?

Seems everything is going the wrong way.

If you are struggling, God's advice is to relax

Otherwise you will be frustrated to the max.

Every Struggle and Adversity in Your Life Has a Reason

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Every struggle and adversity in your life has a reason

We all go through these struggles and trials for a season

They actually make you into the person you are today.

So be thankful they made you stronger for come what may.

For Everything, There Is a Time and Season

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

For everything there is a time and season.

Sometimes I wonder why and what is the reason?

But the Lord knows what and how much we need today

He promises he will supply it in the very best way.

Two Men Were Walking Down the Road One Day

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Two men were walking down the road one day.

Let's listen closely to what they have to say.

They are talking about a man who came to Galilee

Who cured the sick and lame for all to see.

Announcement: You Are Royalty and So Am I

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Announcement: You are royalty and so am I

This is something you are, not something to buy.

If you are a member of God's family you are, it's true

And you will remain a family member whatever you do.

I Am Anointed and You Are Too

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

I am anointed and you are too.

We are all anointed to do what God wants us to do.

We all have a different talent and skill.

This talent and skill will fit a specific bill.

God Wants Us to Be Happy and Enjoying Our Life

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

God wants us to be happy and enjoying our life.

We can choose to do as God suggests or live in strife.

It's no fun being around a person that is always blue

They don't enjoy their life and complain in all they do.