Are You Struggling in Some Way Today?

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Are you struggling in some way today?
Seems everything is going the wrong way?
If you are struggling, God's advice is to relax
Otherwise, you will be frustrated to the max.

The enemy loves to get us upset and make us worry.
He wants us to do something stupid and in a hurry.
But, God knows what you are going through.
He is willing and able to help, because He loves you.

Satan, however, hates Christians and all they stand for.
He will try to get us off track, more and more.
If he can get you to think you can do it alone,
that, in essence, takes God off the throne.

But, God will never leave His throne, or you — ever!
So, how we treat our Lord God should be to never,
never live a life without His help and advice.
If you are trying to do it without God, you’d better think twice.

Bible Reference: Psalm 37:5