Articles for September 2016

Are You Listening to What You Say?​

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Are you listening to what you say?​.

To that still small inner voice within you today.

God speaks to all of us in his own special way.

It could be a prompting asking you to buy or maybe delay.

So Many People are Living a Life of Condemnation Today

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

So many people are living a life of condemnation today.

They think they have done so much wrong that there is no way,

That God still loves and approves of them because of their sin.

When they have that attitude you can be sure in life they won't win.

Let's Make This a Very Special Day for You

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Let's make this a very special day for you,

that God will bless you in everything you do!

Wouldn't it be a wonderful day?

You can start this special day, simply by what you say.

Are You Content With Your Life Today?

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Are you content with your life today?

Are things going your way ?

Or are you one to say no, “No way!”

Maybe you would say “maybe some day”

We've All Heard Those Famous Words, “I Have a Dream”

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

We've all heard those famous words, “I have a dream.”

We all have a dream, but what does that dream mean?

God puts into all of us a special thought or idea.

That is special for you only, I want to make that clear.

Discouragement and Fear Are Always Nearby

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Discouragement and fear are always nearby.

They won't leave you, no matter how you try.

We can, however, take authority over them now.

The word of God, the Holy Bible, teaches how.

We've All Heard the New Term "Black Lives Matter" by Now

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

We've all heard the new term 'Black lives Matter', by now.

Well this is a message from God that tells us why and how.

Jesus came to earth to save all mankind from every race.

Color to Him didn't matter, but prejudice is a disgrace.

Good Morning! How's Your Attitude Today?

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Good morning! How's your attitude today?

Are you feeling this will be a great day?

Or are you feeling like you want to stay in bed?

That you're anticipating a rotten day instead?

Just Think, There Won't Be Any Wheelchairs in Heaven

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Just think, there won't be any wheelchairs in heaven

Walkers, crutches, canes, or any medical device.

In heaven Titus will have a brand new body

Without any defects so you run or walk won’t that be nice?

Tragically, Over 4,000 Babies Are Aborted Every Day in Our Nation

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

ragically, over 4,000 babies are aborted every day in our nation.

That's over 1.6 million every year — what a horrible abomination!

Thank God that all aborted babies are safe in heaven enjoying life.

Most were aborted because they were inconveniences, thus causing strife.

Sometimes in This Life We Lose a Loved One at a Very Early Age

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Sometimes in this life we lose a loved one at a very early age.

Our grief is natural but the good news is 'it's only for days'.

When we are the parents of that child, that passed away,

Just know you will be reunited with them forever, one day.

God's Dream for Your Life Is so Very Big and It's Just for You

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

God's dream for you life is so very big and it's just for you.

Much bigger than you can imagine, mind boggling, it's true.

What he has in store for your life is beyond comprehension.

It's beyond anything you could conceive of, is his intention.

Have You Ever Noticed How the Enemy Likes to Mess With Our Minds?

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Have you ever noticed how the enemy likes to mess with our mind?

Things that bothered you, are something for him to remind.

He knows if he can get us upset again, that will ruin our day.

This is one of his demonic tricks, but it's not his only way.

As I See What's Going on in the Government Today

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

As I see what's going on in the government today.

I continue to ask God to forgive the USA as I pray.

Seems like were are inviting Jesus to come back very soon.

With all this immorality, he really could return today at noon.

As I Write This Poem Inspired by God

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

As I write this poem inspired by God,

I may say somethings that to many may sound odd.

We all have a destiny in our DNA to fulfill.

In many this destiny DNA is dormant still.

To Win the War Over Worry You Need to Know How to Fight

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

To win the war over worry you need to know how to fight.

Many times worried thoughts come to us in the night.

We've all had the opportunity to worry, of this I'm sure.

To stop it you must stop it when it comes knocking at your door.

Don't Let People’s Comments Trouble You

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Don't let peoples comments trouble you.

Some people won't like you, just know this is true.

If you are the object of their slander and lies,

Just know that's it's God favor on you they despise.

The Value of a Friend Cannot Be Measured

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

The value of a friend cannot be measured.

It can and should be however, be highly treasured.

A true friend will be with you through thick and thin,

They won't desert you and let the enemy win.

I Just Came From an Auction Today

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

I just came from an auction today.

Watching all the treasures being sold away.

Treasures that took a lifetime to save,

Gone in a moment at the auctioneers wave.

Sometimes We All Feel Like Damaged Goods

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Sometimes we all feel like damaged goods.

We all have imperfections that's understood.

Your accusing voices will remind you everyday.

Stop! Don't listen to what they have to say.

Who or What Is in Control of Your Life Today?

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Who or what is in control of your life today?

Who or what controls what you do and say?

Many have a problems with a bad habit, it's true,

That habit rules your life and tells you what to do.

You Are God's Masterpiece and so Am I

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

You are God's masterpiece and so am I

This is a free attribute, something you can't buy.

You were made for this place and time.

We all have a divine purpose, yes, it is divine.

All Is Well Are the Words I'm Here to Tell

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

All is well is the words I'm here to tell.

When everything seems out of control, speak, all is well.

You can prophesy your future with your word.

This maybe the first time this you've ever heard.

The Months Seem to Slip by so Quickly for Me

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

The months seem to slip by so quickly for me.

If you are over 50 I'm sure you'll also agree.

Time is racing on at 60 seconds per minute

But I don't care, I'm in it to win it.

When I Want to Do Right

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

When I want to do right.

I must continually fight.

The forces of evil are strong

Always wanting you to go along

To Be Kind Is More Important Than to Be Right

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

To be kind is more important than to be right.

Many times, trying to be right causes a fight

What people need is not a brilliant mind

but a special heart that listens.and is kind

Don't Get Frustrated When Things Go Wrong — Because They Will

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Don't get frustrated when things go wrong because they will.

Even when you are trying to do everything right yet, still.

God sometimes leads us down a path we don't understand.

This is where we need to trust him but not demand.

Today There Are Many Christians That Think Wrongly of God

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Today there are many Christians that think wrongly of God.

They consider him harsh, demanding, unreasonable and odd.

When they request sickness to be gone or they need money

That he may or may not grant their prayers, it's not funny.