Let's Make This a Very Special Day for You

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Let's make this a very special day for you,
That God will bless you in everything you do!
Wouldn't it be a wonderful day?
You can start this special day, simply by what you say.

If you truly believe that God loves you today,
Tell Him that you love Him too, in every way.
That you know you are favored, special and blessed.
When was the last time this statement, you confessed?

God loves to hear His children praising Him from heaven.
He listens and longs to hear you glorifying and thanking Him, 24/7.
You are very special to Him, unique and one of a kind.
When He had a special assignment to fulfill, He had you in mind.

So many folks think their life really doesn’t count, it's true.
This is not God's opinion of any of His children, including you.
You are the apple of His eye — He cares and wants you to succeed.
Therefore, be very careful with your words, your words are like a seed.
They will germinate and you'll get what you say, be it good or be it bad.
So, plant good word seeds and experience the best days you've ever had!