Good Morning! How's Your Attitude Today?

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Good morning! How's your attitude today?
Are you feeling this will be a really great day?
Or, are you feeling like you want to stay in bed?
That you're anticipating a rotten day instead.

Your attitude determines your day.
It's how you react and what you say.
You can either say, “Good morning Lord,” and smile.
Or, the “Good Lord it’s morning!” that you've said for quite a while.

Every day is a treasure chest of possibilities for you.
How you handle life with what you say and what you do
Determines the kind of day you will have — it's true.
Some don't know how to react to this, not a clue.

If you have a faith-filled positive attitude all day long,
Realizing sometimes things in life can go wrong.
And, knowing God has the answer, the situations will be for your good.
Everything will turn out for your benefit, He wants that understood.