Don't Let People’s Comments Trouble You

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Don't let people’s comments trouble you.
Some people won't like you, just know this is true.
If you are the object of their slander and lies,
Just know that's it's God favor on you they despise.

When a person is blessed, happy, prosperous and well,
There will be people jealous of them, I'm here to tell.
God loves to bless His children in every way.
He'll do it for one and all believers, I'm here to say.

So, if you are being blessed, keep your walls up today.
Guard your heart and mind, don't pay attention to what they say.
They won't like you no matter what you do.
Many people won't approve of me either, this is also true.

In this life, aim to please your heavenly father, and to love others.
Aim to please Jesus and treat others like sisters and brothers.
Spend quality time in prayer just listening to God — to many this is odd.
Uttering vain reptitious prayers doesn't please God.

A meaningful relationship is what God craves of me and you.
He is a God that longs to fellowship with us continually — this is true.
Don't always come with a laundry list of things for him to do.
Instead, thank Him for your daily blessings, even if this new.