You Are God's Masterpiece and so Am I

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

You are God's masterpiece and so am I.
This is a free attribute, something we can't buy.
We were made for this place and time.
We all have a divine purpose, yes, it is divine.

God placed each of us here to fulfill His plan.
He knew us all, even before all creation began.
We were made especially for this time now.
Sometimes for me, it's so awesome I exclaim, “Wow!”

Maybe you don't know your purpose in life.
Many don’t, and their life is in continual strife.
When we are in the will of God we really know.
If you have a doubt, ask Him, He will surely show.

Time is running out until He soon returns to earth.
Now is when we all should be busy, for all we’re worth.
Doing His will, studying the word and telling others.
Knowing, in Christ, we are all sisters and brothers.