God Wants Us to Be Happy and Enjoying Our Life

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

God wants us to be happy and enjoying our life.
We can choose to do as He suggests, or live in strife.
It's no fun being around a person that is always blue,
they don't enjoy their life and complain in all they do.

It's hard to make these folks happy, at least it is for me.
I enjoy my relationship with God, and others, you see.
God loves to see His children happy, blessed and content.
Being happy, healthy and friendly is time well spent!

Our time here on earth is very short — just a few years.
And, yes, all of us will experience some heartaches and tears.
It's how we treat those moments that determines who we are.
We are that special person so, we don't need to look far.

Did you wake up this morning and say, “Good morning Lord” with a smile,
or did you complain? Being joyful for some has been quite a while.
Life always offers a choice, you get to choose how you react.
In any situation there are always options — and that's a fact.