As a Senior Citizen, I Am Appalled With Events Of the Day

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

As a senior citizen, I am appalled with events of the day.
Seems we have misplaced our sanity and really lost our way.
I can't even imagine some of the ridiculous new trends.
I want to apologize to God and hopefully make amends.

This present population has really gone into left field.
Now, our children and others find that Jesus is concealed.
They try to guide our children into believing a lie.
They can try to eliminate Jesus, yes they will try.

But, God will always be around, they can't eliminate Him ever.
Some of the simply stupid things they promote, I couldn't do — never.
Having co-ed bathrooms and showers is just plain dumb.
This is just the beginning of their agenda — another rule they won.

It's time for all Christians to stand up — and let them know this is wrong.
Many don't want to make waves, be politically correct, and go just along.
But, this is not the American way — we must stand up for what is right!
This is against their liberal agenda, and will require a Godly fight.