Sometimes in This Life I Feel Obsolete

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Sometimes in this life I feel obsolete.
The new technology is hard to beat.
As a senior, things seem to go too fast.
I sometimes wonder what I did last.

Everything, it seems, is instant or almost now.
I'm always asking what to do, when and how.
It's very frustrating to see children on a PC
doing things that seem so foreign to me.

Thank God, where I'm going I won't be obsolete.
Someday, I want to just sit at my Master's feet.
And, enjoy my life in heaven with no regret,
living without all this new technology and yet…

I realize this technology has advanced us today,
even though some of us still prefer the old way.
In heaven we won't need any of this new stuff.
God's blessings forever for me — are more than enough!