Friends and Poem Partners That Are True Believers in God

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer
Friends and Poem Partners that are true believes in God,
you can position yourself for a miracle — really — that's not odd.
When you obey His commands and do His will
He’ll open the windows of Heaven for you, how's that for a thrill?

God ain't broke as some people think.
He has an abundant supply of everything that he can give you as fast as a wink.
He can also strip a person of a fortune too.
But, as a child of the living God, if you are doing His will He won't do that to you.

Keep God first place in your life and worship Him every day.
And, when you need some supernatural help with anything, pray, pray, pray.
He has a host of angels for you at His beck and call.
But, some of the angels because we don't ask, don't have much to do at all.

If we could just understand the benefits that we have in Christ as believers
we would all be His ambassadors, then experience the gifts from God as receivers,
He wants to bless His children abundantly, the bible tells us so.
So do His will, make Him happy and watch the blessings flow!