It's Sunday once again and off to church I go.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin
It's Sunday once again and off to church I go.
I don't know about you but Satan always tells me some other place to go.
He tries to give me reasons to miss church just this one time
An old trick of procrastination of his that works just fine.
If you are a married couple he wants you to fight
And when you are really angry, that's Satan's delight
How can you go and Worship God when you are both upset
But that's Satan's Sunday morning trick, you can bet
When you are in church and appearing to be doing your thing
Are you really enjoying the service as you praise and sing?.
Or are you thinking about the fight you just had and what you are planning to do.
Just as soon as the service is over.Then life will be very miserable for both of you

Remember Satan always wants to make you unhappy especially today.
It really irritates him when you repent, apologize and pray.
He wants to destroy your life, steal your joy, and get you angry too.
But remember Jesus loves your mate, your family and yes He always loves you