Today, don't let Satan put a check mark next to your name.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin


    Today, don't let Satan put a check mark next to your name.
    He wants you to sin, after all that's his game.
    Please don't listen to the lies he will always tell,
    Know that he wants you as a guest in his eternal hell.
    I don't know if you knew Satan and his forces never sleep
    Their whole objective is to control your mind, that creep
    Just keep your mind clean and busy serving the Lord
    If He can't influence you to sin He'll soon get bored
    He will seek others that are not as strong as you.
    So keep up your vigilance what ever you do
    If you weaken you will then be a target for him
    And believe me, he knows just where to begin.
    We all have weaknesses, and Satan knows them all
    That's when you need to take authority and on Jesus you call
    God and His angels are there to protect you day and night.
    When you depend on God and keep His word you are God's delight.