R we 2 busy for the Lord?

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer
R we 2 busy for the Lord?
Seems like our day is over before it's begun
We really need to ask for daily instruction from God's son
To be truly happy and blessed we know that today
that we should be taking time to praise God and pray
He is just waiting to hear from you
His love and devotion is uncomprehensible that's true
And don't forget the angels that are at your beck and call
Some of the angels really don't work very much at all
They just wait for your instructions and OK them with the Lord
Your life can be so much more fulfilling I can only imagine they're totally bored.
So let's change our daily routine and include the Lord
And then at the end of the day see how we scored
If you follow God's plan that is always the best for you
Keep Him first in your life and always to Him be true
If you've made many mistakes like all of us have done
This is when you need to confess it, repent and say thank you  to God's son.
He's always there to guide you through your day and through your life.
If you choose to ignore Him you can believe your life will be full of  all kinds of confusion and strife.
Men seem to want to sin it's in our genes starting with Adam and Eve
Satan is always ready to help you sin, he know's your weakness. He is there to deceive.
Many listen to Satan an live their life for Him
If you have been on Satan's team this is the day to begin
To stop it and give your life to Jesus and join the winning team
And stop listening to the world and satan's demonic schemes.


