Here is a free gift for you.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Here is a free gift for you.
Please accept it whatever you do.
It is given to all that are willing to receive.
All that is asked is that you truly believe.
This gift pays dividends beyond compare.
This is something I really want to share.
Why is it free you may ask and why me?
This is a gift that will last throughout eternity
You see it was paid for a long time ago;
By someone that many people already know.
His name is Jesus and He came for me and you.
Yes He came from down heaven this is also true.
He came to save us from going to Hell
And He came with an incredible message to tell.
How He can forgive all your sins of the past
And you can be free from guilt and shame at last.
If you will simply accept Jesus as your Savior and Lord
When the world experiences the rapture you'll be on board.
Ask Him today to come into your life and forgive your sins.
Now experience this gift and let the blessings begin.