Lord I want this to be a special day for me and you.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Lord I want this to be a special day for me and you.
I want to please you in all I say and do.
But because I am who I am and you know it
I'll do my best today, but as the saying goes, I'll blow it.

It's so sad to think that we can't live even one perfect day.
No matter our intentions to all your commandments to obey.
Thank God that you know me better than I know me
And that was the reason you died on the cross at Calvary.

God knows our weaknesses, strengths and our heart
He knows that we have a special skill or talent that set's us apart.
If we will just do His will as we know we should
He will help us to accomplish his will as he knows we could

So today, yes just today, keep your eye on the Lord all day.
Take note of what you do and say as you try to obey
All the demonic forces will try to get you off course and sin.
This is a trick of Satan ever since the Lord God made man.