Today, I want to be a real Christian in every way

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin
Today, I want to be a real Christian in every way
A true Christian in everything I do and say.
It's so easy to simply play the Christian game
But being totally committed is not the same
No, it's not the same, so be true and sincere
Hold fast to Jesus and his love so dear
Being a true Christian will be good for you
Jesus is keeping score in what you say and do
At the end of your day when you're tucked into bed
Review your day think about what you did and said.
Was it pleasing to God, was a good question to ask
Did I do my very best with each and every task?
Did I witness to that person when I had the chance to
Or did I listen to Satan when he told me something else to do?
Satan is the master of excuses and procrastination
He will always give you a reason without hesitation.
So today, let's together make the Lord smile
When you have an opportunity go that extra mile.
Always remember we are God's ambassdors now
Be proud of your appointment and have the Lord say WOW!