Today I want you to know that God isn't mad at you

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin
Today I want you to know that God isn't mad at you
Sometimes I think He should be at things we say and do
But always remember God is God and not a man
He loves us and knows us even before I life began.
He knew what he was getting when we come to him in prayer
Realizes that where we were and what we're doing, he was also there.
He knows us better than we know ourselves, it's true
Yes, he always loves us, but is sometimes disappointed in me and you
Maybe you're different and live a life that's free from sin everyday
If this were true Jesus really didn't need die for you to pay
Pay for your sins, yours and mine that we commit
Yes you and I sin it's in our genes, we are like a kit
This kit that we call man. God has made us up with many parts
And given each a free will to do right or wrong from the start
We can obey the bible and its teachings and please our God
However, in this wicked world you will be consided very odd.