“Keep calm and carry on” in these days

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

“Keep calm and carry on” in these days
This was a famous English phase
It was designed during World War 2
And this phase can now help me and you.

As we know this world is chaotic now
Many are afraid and wondering how
How to live in a world so evil and bad
If you know Jesus as your Lord you can be glad

Glad to know that this is all predicted in God’s word
Unfortunately, some don‘t know their Bible, or people have not heard
That Jesus is our deliverer and we are eternally safe and secure
That our time here on earth is short, we know that for sure.

However, this world is not our home, we’re just passing through
Us ‘born again Christians’ believe the Bible and we know this is true.
It’s so good to know that “this too shall pass” and very soon now
That Jesus is coming to receive His own. The rapture is how.

If you are unsure of your future and don’t know what to do.
Here is a message from Jesus that you know is totally true.
Just ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior and repent now
from your sins and now live for Him and you’ll become a child of God, that’s how.