It’s almost Christmas day.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin
It’s almost Christmas day.
We celebrate the birth of Jesus this way.
He was born of a virgin to be free from sin
This is how His life on earth would begin.
He was  conceived by the Holy Spirit not of a man
He was born in a manger. This is where it all began.
He came to earth with a mission to save men’s soul
To save them from their sinful lives and make them whole.
Sin was ramped in those days, very much like today.
It’s a fact of life that Satan is here and here to stay.
Until Jesus returns to defeat this foe once more.
And that will be the final battle, and Jesus will settle the score.
Satan was defeated at the cross when Jesus was crucified
Everyone that hated God thought that when he died
That that would be the end and Jesus was dead and done
They didn’t realize that Jesus was the eternal God’s son.
When He arose from the grave and defeated death that day.
It fulfilled the bible prophecy and what it had to say.
That Jesus was the victor over death and the grave.
And He is ready, willing and able your soul to save.