Twas the night before Christmas

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin


Christmas Poem by: 12/23/13
Chaplain Anthony Murphy,.ND
Burke, South Dakota. 57523

Twas the night before Christmas                                  The baby was named Jesus
And out on the road                                                     Just as the Bible had foretold
Joseph and Mary headed                                              Jesus lived a perfect sinless life
for their evening abode.                                               As told by the prophets of old

The Bethlehem Inn                                                       He grew in strength and stature
was what they had in mind.                                            And amazed the crowds each day
But, all the rooms were full                                           with all his wisdom and knowledge
nothing else could they find                                          They listened to all he had to say.

Wait! Said the man                                                      His virgin birth was a miracle
that worked in the Inn                                                 and salvation for all of us is too.
I know a place that’s warm and dry                               Accept Him as Lord and Savior
He said with a warm friendly grin.                                He came to earth from heaven
                                                                                  And gave his life for me and you
He took them to a stable
and showed them a clean dry stall
This isn’t what they had in mind
For the greatest baby of all.

Hurry, said Mary with a shout.
For she knew it was time
She could feel the birth pains
The baby was about to come out.

Joseph fixed a bed in the stall
He helped Mary with the birth
What an awesome feeling
To hold the most important baby on earth