So many people are broke or nearly so, it’s a shame.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin
So  many people are broke or nearly so, it’s a shame.
God doesn’t want us poor or needy, after all El Shaddai is His name.
Yes our God is the great El Shaddai with wealth untold
From today on I’m going to believe it and be bold.
The Bible tell us how to live, not needy and poor.
Let’s do as God commands and watch the new score.
I started today and will follow through each day
I’m no longer going to listen to what the Nay sayers say.
How can we help the poor and others when we too are poor
This is not the way to live our lives I’ve been told that before.
So today, agree with me, that we will live the prosperous life too
By helping others, loving others we'll prosper, it’s biblically true.
God is no respecter of people, that’s some really good news
So if you do as the Bible teaches, that can also happen to you’z 
I know that’s not a word but it get’s the point across so clear.
So let’s agree together to make this a very happy and prosperous year.
Chaplain Anthony Murphy