Fear today is always here

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Fear today is always here
Fear today is always near
Fear is the False Evidence
That is Appearing very Real
However, fear is not the real deal

Fear is always a lack of faith, we are told
We should face the fear and be very bold.
Jesus wants us to realize that this is fact
Our faith in God determines how we act.

Do we trust in what Satan wants us to say or do
Or do we believe what the word says is really true?
We are more than conquerors this we know
For the Bible tells us so.

Fear is a one of the devils favorite tools
Reacting to it wrongly is the way of fools.
We can know that Satan wants us upset and in fear.
But we have Jesus and angels that are always near.

Near to us now and always in our time of need
So instead of following Satan, Let Jesus lead
He always loves us and yes, even when we make a mistake
He will always defeat the adversary for our sake