As I watch the events of the day

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin
As I watch the events of the day
I can see the departure from God in the USA
It's very sad to see these people acting this way
Please repent and turn back to God is what I say
Every nation that has turned it back on God
Receives the same results, His justice. No! I'm not odd.
He gives us all a choice of how we live our life
In peace and harmony or fear, anger and strife.
Oh if we could only find a president like Ronald Reagan again
However, in these times I don't know where or when
It seems like corruption now is the name of the game
Unfortunately this nation will never be the same.
We are in debt now not just ours but our grandchildren ears
As we look at the future we seniors see fears and tears.
Thank God that we know He knows what's going on
And in the end He will correct all this wrong.