What’s coming out of your mouth today?

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer
What’s coming out of your mouth today?
Did you ever listen to what you say?
Your words create your future and those around you too
Your say words that are weapons and they will do
Do as you say, please listen, this is true
Speak only positive words that will help you
Claiming your sickness will give it power
Some of you do this hour after hour.
The Bible tells us you get what you say.
So today starting speaking the Bible way.
Quit claiming you are sick, broke and can’t find love.
Instead, remember we have a great God above.
He knows your predicament and really wants to help & heal 
But you circumvent that help, because of how you feel.
Well, that’s Satan’s plan to make you miserable and sick
It’s something he has used for years. It is a Satanic trick.
God wants you well, prosperous and happy starting today
So as I told you earlier please watch what you think and say.
The worlds best physician is standing by for you right now.
God is ready willing and able. Just ask and truly believe that’s how.
The next time one of those negative thoughts cross your mind
Dump it like the trash it is. Leave all those negatives behind
God has incredible plans for your life. Satan wants to destroy you
So starting right now speak and say only and see what He can do.
Chaplain Anthony Murphy, ND
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