I don’t know about you, but I need Jesus hour by hour

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin
I don’t know about you, but I need Jesus hour by hour
I pray God, be my wisdom today I will rely on your power.
I feel truly sorry for the people that deny Jesus as God.
Oh, I know to those around me I am truly odd.
But knowing that my sins were forgiven again and again
I haven’t had a sin free day since I don’t know when.
Don’t look down on me because of what I told you.
Nobody can lead a perfect sin free life, in everything they do.
But as a true Christian I strive to daily improve
I want Jesus to smile at me today and say “I approve”
When I stand in front of the throne of God on that day
I am relieved to know that my sins were washed away.
This is a guarantee that we know we will go to heaven when we die
No, you can’t make it any other way, no matter how hard you try.
Accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior is the only way 
So today, right now, accept Him, repent of your sins today.
Now you can be assured of your heavenly home, what a relief.
Yes you will get all kinds of negative flack from Satan, the thief
Satan came to seek, kill and destroy and lead us all to hell.
Don’t believe his lies, you are now saved I’m here to tell.