You and I were created by God for a reason.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

You and I were created by God for a reason.
And, dear brothers and sisters this is the season.
Don’t let your reason or purpose pass you by.
You can do it with God’s help if you’ll only try.

He will arrange things in your life every day.
So please be on guard and watch what you do and say.
God needs us especially now to be faithful and strong
These are the last days, and we know it won’t be very long.

Until we will all stand in front of our Lord and Master.
The decisions you made determine your life in the hereafter.
Did you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?
Or do you expect God to let you into heaven as a favor?

There are many religions that talk about heaven and hell
But in the end only the truth of the Bible will really tell
Tell that there is only one way to heaven this is oh so true
So make it a priority to accept God’s salvation whatever you do.