So many Christians are in a financial mess today.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

So many Christians are in a financial mess today.
They don’t believe or know what the bible has to say
God wants His people prosperous and well
This is told in the bible and I’m hear to tell.

That God has a good plan for your life starting now
If you are living for Jesus, tithing and giving that’s how
All your money and things actually belong to God it’s true
If you’ll truly believe this, know He wants the best for you

He loves you with an everlasting love that’s hard to understand
We were born to fulfill a God given purpose in this land
No, God will not force you to do his will, it’s not a demand
And as your loving heavenly father, you won’t be banned

Banned from going to Heaven, where there is wealth untold
God wants us to be able to help others and witness and be bold
Let others know that Jesus came so that He could show love
The kind of Love that came from the loving God above.

So today, yes today, proclaim that you are blessed and financially free
Don’t look at your circumstances but instead with Jesus and agree
That He is your source and has given us the authority over debt
Satan doesn’t want you to be happy, healthy and prosperous you can bet