Nothing can ever separate us from God’s love.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin
Nothing can ever separate us from God’s love.
He’s in charge of everything from heaven above.
Sometimes we feel like Daniel in the lions den.
Can you sometimes maybe remember when?
But just as God shut the Lions mouths then,
He can shut the lions mouths for you again.
Always know that God is also able to save you.
Many miracles in the Bible show this to be true.
Remember the people of Israel and the Red Sea?
How that situation would look impossible to you and me.
The enemy behind them and the sea in front, Wow!
I can almost hear them murmuring, Moses how?
Moses was God’s servant and he knew what to say.
He relied on God and had the faith to provide a way.
Then God opened the sea and they passed on dry land
Sometimes what we are going through is hard to understand
So hang in there sisters and brothers when the times are tough
God knows you completely and when you’ve had enough
He will never let you bear more than you can, it’s true
So keep the faith, speak positive, pray and God will see you through