How do you rate your life so far?

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

How do you rate your life so far?
Do you think God rates you as “Up to Par”
Or are you like so many of us were or are
And realize our life was not, and is or was so far

Far from the life that God wanted us to lead
Many were not Godly in word, actions and deed
Now in my life I really want to exceed
Exceed and help many others I know are in need.

How did I rate myself as a husband and dad?
First as a dad I failed miserable I was a really bad
As husband how did I treat my beloved spouse?
I can sum it up in one simple word, I was a louse.

Thank God that he forgave me and erased my sin
Even this late in life we can all start again
I like many others lost the respect of my kids and wife
So I will continue to pay for those sins for the rest of my life.