How do you rate your life so far?

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer
How do you rate your life so far?
Would you say you were ‘up to par’?
What would you base the results on?
On where you started and where you’ve gone?
Here’s another question just for you.
If you could start over what would you do?
We all have things we did we now regret.
Am I the only one? I‘m sure not, that’s a sure bet.
.As I near the later years of my life now
I think back of the decisions I made and how
If we could have known  the results of our decisions
How would you know the results, by supernatural visions?
Is there a way to resolve all the mistakes we’ve made today ?
Can we be forgiven by the Lord, some would say, NO WAY! 
But our heavenly father loves us in ways we can’t comprehend
So ask for His forgiveness and repent before your life will end.
The consequences of your mistakes will not go away, we know
They will change your life in many ways and when and where you go.
Your life is being recorded moment by moment in God’s book.
How will you feel when God opens that book to take a look?