Remember the movie, “A rebel without a cause”?

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Remember the movie, “A rebel without a cause”?
James Dean played a teenager emotionally flawed
Well here’s the good news for all of us today.
We can talk to a real “Rebel with a cause” every day.

Who is this rebel with a cause many will want to know?
He is our incredible hero as this poem will attempt to show.
His name is Jesus Christ and His life was cut short too
However, his life and ministry was always, always true.

He came to earth and became a man to show us how to live.
He is the only true son of God and he came to forgive.
Forgive us for our sins that we all did and still do
This hero is our Savior and he can be yours too.

He died a terrible excruciating death on an old rugged cross
Then the enemies of Jesus thought his life here was a loss.
But Hallelujah he arose from the grave alive and well
And this is our rebel hero of this poem that I’m here to tell