Today we honor those that gave their lives in war

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer
Today we honor those that gave their lives in war
I am also a Vet, I've told you that before.
So many died protecting the freedoms we enjoy
Now many here in our country want to destroy.
If these people don't like the USA
Why do they want to stay?
I think we should offer them a one way fare
They could go back home or just anywhere
As a Vet I cherish this land that I love.
It was blessed by God in heaven above.
Ungrateful people don't like our God
Being a true American now to them seems odd
But just  'hang in there' God is still in control
If we will just stay true, loyal and Godly whole
We will see the end of these enemies of the USA
We don't know when or how. It could be any day.
John 15: 13
Chaplain Anthony Murphy, ND