Suddenly is a word we all know about.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin
Suddenly is a word we all know about.
Things can happen in a whisper or a shout.
Accidents are usually a Suddenly thing
Other times it's when the telephones ring
All Suddenly occurrences are not always bad
Some of the happiest memories  I've had
Was when a pleasant Suddenly happened to me 
 Think back, remember when? then you'll agree
Recently I was told of the death of a friend.
A traffic accident was  suddenly an end 
To a young person's life, it happened so fast
Makes you really think, how long will I last?
Thank God there is no death in heaven it's true
We cannot predict death no matter what we do.
So the best advice is live your life for Jesus everyday
Don't let anyone or anything lead you astray.

Proverbs 3: 25