It seems it doesn’t matter what the people have to say.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin
It seems it doesn’t matter what the people have to say.
The government doesn’t care, they do things their way.
“A government for the people, bye the people“? is no more.
Just look at the way we voted,  just count the score.
We have objected to so many things that we know are wrong.
But the government overrides us, they are too strong.
Our liberties and freedoms that were ours to enjoy
Are a thing of the past, unfortunately, they are no more.
If things keep on this way, we will no longer be free
Already we are regulated way too much, many will agree.
As the powers that be, disrespect God , it’s happened before.
This nation as we know it, will become blessed, no more.
Thank God we are not a forever citizen of the USA
We will be all raptured to heaven now any day.
There we Christians will be with Jesus in heaven to stay
So hang in there all Christians, come what may.
Bible reference: Romans: 13:1
Chaplain Anthony Murphy, ND