Today’s Decisions Decide Tomorrow’s Destiny

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

"Today’s decisions decide tomorrow’s destiny."
That was something I heard today on TV.
When you think about it, I’m sure you’ll agree,
this statement applies to you, and also to me.

We can’t live our life trying to get away with sin.
If you are doing something in secret, you won’t win.
Now is the time to stop it, yes this is the day to begin!
And, you can be sure that Satan will tempt again and again.

He won't give up, and neither should you.
God's will is that you live a Christian life, in all that you do.
You will be tempted to do just a little thing wrong.
And think, after all, everybody’s doing it, I’ll just go along.

Just this once won't hurt me and I know the Lord understands.
But, the truth is, it is wrong and it's against God's commands.
Satan is a liar and makes right look wrong, and wrong look right.
So when tempted, call on the name of Jesus and put Satan to flight!

Bible Reference Isaiah: 5:20