Soon It Will Be Time to Vote for Our Leaders Again

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Soon it will be time to vote for our leaders again.
This country is in the worst shape, since I don't know when.
I usually don't get involved in politics, it's true.
But now because our nation needs Ben, I'll do what I can do.

Yes, Ben Carson is the candidate of my choice!
He is a fresh, honest and sincere voice.
I've had it with all the sleazy politicians — WOW! that's strong.
But with some of their unbiblical and unethical practices, I can't go along.

Without the proper leadership, this nation is doomed I believe.
I don't want this country to continue to be lead astray and deceived.
We were a "Nation Under God", together, blessed and strong.
By electing Ben Carson for president, we won't keep going wrong!