Payday is Coming

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Payday is coming, very soon for you.
You will be paid, for whatever you do.
If you worked for God, and did His will.
God will repay you, He will pay the bill.

Your rewards and bonus could be great.
It's so exciting, most can hardly wait!
Your payment could, be great or small.
But, for some, it may be be none at all.

So work! For payday is coming, maybe today.
When Jesus asks you about "you", what will you say?
He already knows everything we did in our lifetime.
He also knows your heart, I know He knows mine.

Be excited, a new day is coming, for His own
when we all go to Heaven, and see the throne!
Jesus is our blessed Savior and Redeemer.
This is very real for all, I am not a dreamer.

Bible Reference: Colossians 3:23